
正在播放:死亡扳机 Dead Trigger


死亡扳机 Dead Trigger


死亡扳机 Dead Trigger 正片



译  名 死亡扳机
片  名 Dead Trigger
年  代 2017
产  地 美国
类  别 动作 / 科幻 / 惊悚
语  言 英语
上映日期 2017-06-28(莫斯科国际电影节) / 2018-10-11(阿联酋)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/27058733/
片  长 91分钟
主  演 杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren
       奥图姆·瑞瑟 Autumn Reeser
       全知泰 Justin Chon
       乔·格拉什 Joel Gretsch
       塔玛拉·布劳恩 Tamara Braun
       艾赛亚·华盛顿 Isaiah Washington

标  签 美国 | 科幻 | 动作

简  介

  Based on the hugely successful first-person shooter game (over
  30 million downloads), DEAD TRIGGER is set in a world where a
  mysterious virus has killed billions and turned many others into
  bloodthirsty zombies.
  Unable to stop the virus, the government develops a video
  game, “Dead Trigger,” that mirrors the terrifying events that
  curse the world. The players who kill the most zombies in the
  game are recruited to combat the zombie horde in real life.
  Led by Captain Kyle Walker (Dolph Lundgren), the elite team
  travels to Terminal City, the origin of the outbreak, to find a team
  of scientists who have been working on a possible cure for the
  virus. The only way to get to them, however, is through a city full
  of terrifying undead mutants.

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