
正在播放:甜心爱 Baby Love


甜心爱 Baby Love


甜心爱 Baby Love 正片

导演: 阿拉斯泰尔·里德 / Alastair Reid主演:克里斯托弗·威蒂,Sheila Steafel Sheila Steafel<br,玛丽安·斯通,琳达·海登,迪克·埃默里,佩兴斯·科利尔


译  名 甜心爱 / 小妖精
片  名 Baby Love
年  代 1969
产  地 英国
类  别 剧情
语  言 英语
上映日期 1969-03-19(纽约首映)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/4171576/
片  长 93 分钟 / Brazil: 98 分钟
导  演 阿拉斯泰尔·里德 / Alastair Reid
演  员 克里斯托弗·威蒂 / Christopher Witty
      Sheila Steafel Sheila Steafel
      玛丽安·斯通 / Marianne Stone
      琳达·海登 / Linda Hayden
      迪克·埃默里 / Dick Emery
      佩兴斯·科利尔 / Patience Collier
      朱利安·巴恩斯 / Julian Barnes
      基思·巴伦 / Keith Barron
      弗农·多布切夫 / Vernon Dobtcheff
      布鲁斯·罗宾逊 / Bruce Robinson
      黛安娜·多丝 / Diana Dors
      伯纳德·迈尔斯 / Bernard Miles
      Terence Brady Terence Brady
编  剧 阿拉斯泰尔·里德 / Alastair Reid
      Michael Klinger Michael Klinger
制  片  人 Michael Klinger Michael Klinger
音  乐 Max Harris Max Harris
摄  影 Desmond Dickinson Desmond Dickinson
剪  辑 约翰·格兰 / John Glen
美  术 Scott MacGregor Scott MacGregor

简  介 

  Now 15 years old, Luci grew up alone with her slutty mother in a poor district of London. After her mother's suicide, Robert, her mother's former high-school boyfriend, brings Luci to his home where she meets his rich wife Aimee and their teenage son. However, Robert is not the boy's biological father. Luci makes Robert think that he's guilty of her mother's death, because he left her after he finished university. Nevertheless, she wants to stay with his family in their beautiful home. It seems to them that she wants revenge. The whole family is confused by her strange behavior toward each of them, which is interpreted as sexual advances...

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