
正在播放:卢浮魅影 Belphégor


卢浮魅影 Belphégor


卢浮魅影 Belphégor 正片

导演: 亨利·德斯封丹 / Henri Desfontaines主演:勒内·纳瓦尔,Elmire Vautier Elmire Vautier<br,Lucien Dalsace Lucien Dalsace<br,Michèle Verly Michèle Verly<br,Jeanne Brindeau Jeanne Brindeau<br,艾丽斯·蒂索


译  名 卢浮魅影 / The phantom of the Louvre
片  名 Belphégor
年  代 1927
产  地 法国
类  别 剧情
语  言 法语
上映日期 1927-02-10
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/2237881/
导  演 亨利·德斯封丹 / Henri Desfontaines
演  员 勒内·纳瓦尔 / René Navarre
      Elmire Vautier Elmire Vautier
      Lucien Dalsace Lucien Dalsace
      Michèle Verly Michèle Verly
      Jeanne Brindeau Jeanne Brindeau
      艾丽斯·蒂索 / Alice Tissot
      Jeanne Bérangère Jeanne Bérangère
      Georges Paulais Georges Paulais
      卡米耶·贝尔 / Camille Bert
摄  影 Robert Lefebvre Robert Lefebvre
美  术 Jean Périer Jean Périer
副  导  演 Georges Vinter Georges Vinter

简  介 

  After becoming the name of a heavy metal group,"Belphegor" was first a silent movie,then a sensational miniseries in the sixties ,and was remade in a "modern way" a few years back.
  "Belphegor" seemed to come too late in 1927. The serial boom long over (Feuillade's works such as "Les Vampires" "Judex" or "Fantomas" were made in the previous decade),it was already an anomaly at a time when the silent age was about to come to an end .Today,it is often overlooked when they speak of French silent era (obviously,the 1965 miniseries buried it).
  "Belphegor" has moments of brilliance:the scenes in the Louvres ,where the phantom appears in the middle of the night ,in search of something in the dark corridors;the flashbacks which take us to the reign of Henri the Third and his notorious mom,Catherine de Medicis -after all,the Louvres was their home.Even stronger: Simone on her deathbed with lots and lots of flowers and candles :such a scene might have inspired Jean Cocteau and Jean Delannoy for the final scene of "La Princesse de Clèves" (1961) .Simone herself is a complex character and her motives are less clear than they appear at first sight.

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