
正在播放:人人都说我爱你/大家都说我爱你 Everyone Says I Love You


人人都说我爱你/大家都说我爱你 Everyone Says I Love You


人人都说我爱你/大家都说我爱你 Everyone Says I Love You 正片



译   名 人人都说我爱你/大家都说我爱你
片   名 Everyone Says I Love You
年   代 1996
国   家 美国
类   别 喜剧/歌舞/爱情
语   言 英语
字   幕 见链接
片   长 100 mins 50 seconds
导   演 伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen
主   演 爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton ....Holden Spence
      朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts ....Von Sidell
      伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen ....Joe Berlin
      德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore ....Skylar Dandridge
      Diva Gray ....Nanny
      Ami Almendral ....Nanny
      Madeline Balmaceda ....Nanny
      Vivian Cherry ....Nurse
      Tommie Baxter ....Old Woman
      Jeff DeRocker ....Homeless Man (as Jeff Derocker)
      Cherylyn Jones ....Mannequin
      Tina Paul ....Mannequin / Harry Winston Dancer
      Vikki Schnurr ....Mannequin
      娜塔莎·雷昂 Natasha Lyonne ....Djuna 'D.J.' Berlin
      Kevin Hagan ....Doorman
      阿伦·阿尔达 Alan Alda ....Bob Dandridge
      盖比·霍夫曼 Gaby Hoffmann ....Lane Dandridge
      娜塔莉·波特曼 Natalie Portman ....Laura Dandridge
      卢卡斯·哈斯 Lukas Haas ....Scott Dandridge
      Trude Klein ....Frieda
      歌蒂·韩 Goldie Hawn ....Steffi Dandridge
      Itzhak Perlman ....Himself
      Pamela Everett ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Navah Perlman ....Pianist
      Barbara Hollander ....Claire
      John Griffin ....Jeffrey Vandermost
      Waltrudis Buck ....Psychiatrist
      Patrick Cranshaw ....Grandpa
      Isiah Whitlock Jr. ....Cop (as Isiah Whitlock)
      Edward Hibbert ....Harry Winston Salesman
      Kevin Bogue ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Colleen Dunn ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Susan Misner ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Gregory Mitchell ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Dana Moore ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Troy Myers ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Joe Orrach ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Michael O'Steen ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Luis Martin Perez ....Harry Winston Dancer / Hospital Dancer / Ghost Dancer / Groucho Party Dancer
      Krissy Richmond ....Harry Winston Dancer
      Frederick Rolf ....Le Cirque Waiter
      Timothy Jerome ....X-Ray Room Doctor
      Daisy Prince ....Nurse
      Linda Maurel-Sithole ....Nurse
      Helen Miles ....Nurse / The Helen Miles Singers
      Arlene Martel ....Nurse / The Helen Miles Singers
      Rene Ceballos ....Hospital Dancer (as René Ceballos)
      Ruth Gottschall ....Hospital Dancer
      Colton Green ....Hospital Dancer
      Lisa LeGuillou ....Hospital Dancer (as Lisa Leguillou)
      Joe Locarro ....Hospital Dancer
      Monica McSwain ....Hospital Dancer
      Jill Nicklaus ....Hospital Dancer
      Andrew Pacho ....Hospital Dancer
      John Selya ....Hospital Dancer
      Myra Lucretia Taylor ....Hospital Dancer
      Jo Telford ....Hospital Dancer
      Paolo Seganti ....DJ's Venice Date
      Andrea Piedimonte ....Alberto
      罗伯特·克耐普 Robert Knepper ....Greg
      比利·克鲁德普 Billy Crudup ....Ken
      Robert Khakh ....Cab Driver
      蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth ....Charles Ferry
      Scotty Bloch ....Lynn Spence
      David Ogden Stiers ....Arnold Spence
      Gerry Burkhardt ....Ghost Dancer
      Eileen Casey ....Ghost Dancer
      Shelley Frankel ....Ghost Dancer
      Fred Mann III ....Ghost Dancer (as Fred C. Mann III)
      Kathy Sanson ....Ghost Dancer
      Valda Setterfield ....Ghost Dancer
      Frank Pietri ....Ghost Dancer
      Robert Walker ....Rapper
      Devalle Hayes ....Rapper
      Damon McCloud ....Rapper
      Tony Sirico ....Escaped Convict
      Ray Garvey ....Escaped Convict
      Tommy John ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      Lindsy Canuel ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      Richard Cummings ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      Kristen Pettet ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      Patrick Lavery ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      克里斯蒂·卡尔森·罗曼诺 Christy Carlson Romano ....Trick-or-Treat Child (as Christy Romano)
      Jonathan Giordano ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      Gabriel Millman ....Trick-or-Treat Child
      艾德·赫德森 Ed Hodson ....Scott's Doctor
      Michel Moinot ....Bob's Doctor
      Don Correia ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Sean Grant ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Roland Hayes ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Darren Lee ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Delphine T. Mantz ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Joanne McHugh ....Groucho Party Dancer
      John Mineo ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Cynthia Onrubia ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Willie Rosario ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Nancy Ticotin ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Jerome Vivona ....Groucho Party Dancer
      Emily Bindiger ....Helen Miles Singer
      Cindy Cobitt ....Helen Miles Singer
      Al Dana ....Helen Miles Singer
      Kevin De Simone ....Helen Miles Singer
      Paul Evans ....Helen Miles Singer
      Chrissy Faith ....Helen Miles Singer
      Jeff Lyons ....Helen Miles Singer
      Michael Mark ....Helen Miles Singer
      Jenna Miles ....Helen Miles Singer
      Robert Ragaini ....Helen Miles Singer
      Lenny Roberts ....Helen Miles Singer
      Annette Sanders ....Helen Miles Singer
      Terry Textor ....Helen Miles Singer
      Vanéese Y. Thomas ....Helen Miles Singer (as Vaneese Thomas)
      Ashley H. Wilkinson ....Helen Miles Singer
      Lisa Cassidy ....Cigar Girl (uncredited)
      Chris Cardona ....Italy Dinner Guest (uncredited)
      Olivia Hayman ....Skylar (singing voice) (uncredited)

简   介

  影片从朱娜(歌蒂·韩 Goldie Hawn 饰)的视角出发,展现了一个大家庭中的成员追求真爱的幸福光景。准姐夫霍尔顿(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)一直想找机会向生性浪漫的表姐斯凯勒(德鲁·巴里摩尔 Drew Barrymore 饰)求婚,而后者似乎迷 上了一个有前科的犯罪分子菲利(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)。生父乔·柏林(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)走出上一段婚姻后一直都保持着单身的状态,直到有夫之妇赛迪尔(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)出现,尽管朱娜极力撮合生父与赛迪尔的这段姻缘,但真正的结果只有乔自己能够掌控。妹妹劳拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)暗恋着一个几乎不曾有过交流的男生。至于朱娜自己呢,曾经夸下海口绝不谈恋爱的她,居然闪电般地坠入了与一名威尼斯小伙的爱河之中。



  这部仿30年代音乐剧风格的歌舞片出自才子伍迪·艾伦Woody Allen的手笔,本来甜得发腻的情歌在他手里也变得饶有兴味。伍迪·艾伦Woody Allen本人在剧中扮演畏畏缩缩优柔寡断的离婚男人乔Joe,不得不令人感叹姜还是老的辣。本片在各种电影节上斩获甚丰,乃当年角逐金球奖的一大热门。

  伍迪.艾伦仍是一位有号召力的导演,加盟他的剧组对许多名演员来说是一种荣耀,朱莉娅·罗伯茨、德鲁·巴里摩尔主演,影片主要讲述了女主角朱娜 一家人追寻真爱的故事;当然,这主要是因为戏好。近似音乐剧的旋律,伴以热情奔放的舞蹈,在感受心与心碰撞同时,也会让你对这场别出一格的表演赞美不绝。

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