
正在播放:我的国家:紧握刀刃 Bayan ko: Kapit sa patalim


我的国家:紧握刀刃 Bayan ko: Kapit sa patalim


我的国家:紧握刀刃 Bayan ko: Kapit sa patalim 正片

导演: 利诺·布罗卡 / Lino Brocka主演:Phillip Salvador Phillip Salvador<br,吉娜·阿拉贾尔,Venchito Galvez Venchito Galvez<br,Ariosto Reyes Jr. Ariosto Reyes Jr.<br,Bongchi Miraflor Bongchi Miraflor<br,卡尔米·马丁


译  名 我的国家:紧握刀刃 / Bayan Ko: My Own Country / Bayan Ko
片  名 Bayan ko: Kapit sa patalim
年  代 1984
产  地 菲律宾 / 法国
类  别 剧情 / 动作 / 犯罪
语  言 菲律宾语 / 塔加路语 / 英语
上映日期 1985-11-06(菲律宾)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3778366/
片  长 108分钟
导  演 利诺·布罗卡 / Lino Brocka
演  员 Phillip Salvador Phillip Salvador
      吉娜·阿拉贾尔 / Gina Alajar
      Venchito Galvez Venchito Galvez
      Ariosto Reyes Jr. Ariosto Reyes Jr.
      Bongchi Miraflor Bongchi Miraflor
      卡尔米·马丁 / Carmi Martin
      Paquito Diaz Paquito Diaz
      Mona Lisa Mona Lisa
      洛尔莉·比利亚努埃瓦 / Lorli Villanueva
      Claudia Zobel Claudia Zobel
      Raul Aragon Raul Aragon
编  剧 Jose F. Lacaba Jose F. Lacaba
制  片  人 薇拉·贝尔蒙 / Véra Belmont
摄  影 Conrado Baltazar Conrado Baltazar
剪  辑 George Jarlego George Jarlego
美  术 Joey Luna Joey Luna

标  签 菲律宾 | 菲律宾影史百佳 | 布罗卡 | 1984 | 金棕榈(提名) | 记号 | 菲律賓 | 无资源

简  介 

  Arturo and his wife, Luz Manalastas, both work in a printing press. After Luz becomes pregnant, Arturo ("Turing") is forced to ask for a raise. When he does so, his boss asks him to sign a waiver stating that he is not part of any Labor Union. Soon after, his friends inform him that they are starting a labor union and that they are inviting him to join them. Because of the waiver, he cannot. He is branded by his mates as a traitor, and is treated badly by them. Soon after, the printing press is closed down, and the hospital where Luz is confined will not let Luz go until Turing comes up with the money to pay them. This leads Turing to pursue a life of crime.


  第37届戛纳电影节 (1984)
  主竞赛单元 金棕榈奖(提名) 利诺·布罗卡

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